Rental agreement: General terms and conditions 

1. Our Agreement:

By signing page 1, you agree to the terms of this rental contract (Contract), which consists of pages 1 to 4. Please read this Contract carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact a staff member. We, along with you, are the only parties to this Contract, and it is your responsibility to comply with all the terms of this Contract even if another legal or physical entity (such as an insurance company) has arranged the rental, negotiated certain terms, or is paying all or part of the rental invoice.

We assure you that our vehicle (Vehicle) is roadworthy and ready to be rented at the start of the rental period.

This Contract constitutes the entirety of the agreement between you and us regarding the rental of the Vehicle and may not be altered unless there is a written agreement signed by both parties.

2. Rental Period:

We agree that you have the right to keep the Vehicle until the return date specified on page 1. We may agree to extend this rental period verbally or in writing, but the rental period cannot exceed one month.

In such a case, you will be required to pay the charges indicated in paragraph 6 or, if no rate is printed on page 1, our current daily rates. These rates can be obtained at our agencies (as well as all other chargeable amounts mentioned in this Contract) for the days or half-days the Vehicle is rented. Our current rates may be higher than the rates initially agreed upon with us. Similarly, the average daily amount of other applicable fees (such as optional products) during the reduced rental period may be higher. You will also no longer benefit from any "special offer" on our daily rates (for example, weekend daily rates offered only if the Vehicle is rented for a specified minimum period).

If we agree to extend the rental period, an additional deposit may be required.

You may choose to return the vehicle during our normal business hours before the agreed return date on page 1 and thereby terminate the contract early. If you prepaid the rental fees to benefit from a "special offer" rate, you agree that no refund will be given in case of early termination. Otherwise, any modification of the return date will affect the fees mentioned in Paragraph 5, but unless otherwise stated or implicitly required, the early termination of the Contract will not affect the respective rights and obligations of the parties under this Contract. None of the administrative actions we take due to an extension of the rental period (including any modification of our records, billing procedures, reference numbers, or document dates) will affect your obligations to us under the terms of the contract.

3. Your Responsibilities:

The Vehicle and keys are under your responsibility. You must always lock the Vehicle and secure it, including closing all openings when you leave the vehicle.

The rental company is not liable for any forgotten, lost, or stolen personal items in the vehicle.

You or another person must not make any interventions on our Vehicle without our authorization. If we authorize you, we will only reimburse you if you can provide an invoice for the interventions.

You must inspect the Vehicle before taking possession.

You must stop using the Vehicle as soon as possible and contact us as soon as you notice a problem with the Vehicle.

Unless otherwise agreed, you must return the Vehicle to us on the date and time indicated on page 1. A uniformed staff member must see the Vehicle to verify that it is in good condition.

If we have agreed to allow you to return the Vehicle outside of business hours, you remain responsible for the Vehicle and its condition until it is inspected by a uniformed staff member.

You must check that you have not left personal belongings in the vehicle before returning it to us.

By signing the responsibility declaration on page 1, you acknowledge that as the user of the Vehicle, you are responsible for any offense, penalty, or fine legally attributed to you for illegal parking, violation of a bus lane, tolls, or traffic violations in any country where the Vehicle is used until it is returned.

4. Use of the Vehicle:

The vehicle must be used under normal driving conditions, with all necessary precautions and responsibly.

The Vehicle must not be used:

  • By anyone other than you or an additional driver listed on page 1;
  • By a person without a valid driving license for the category or use of the rented vehicle;
  • For sub-renting or transporting people for a fee;
  • For illegal purposes;
  • For car races, competitions, rallies, testing the Vehicle's reliability and speed, or teaching someone to drive;
  • While you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Overloaded, with more passengers than seat belts, or transporting children without the legally required car seats;
  • To push or tow another vehicle or trailer;
  • Anywhere other than a highway, road, or private paved road;
  • To transport substances likely to damage the vehicle or pose excessive risks to the vehicle or any other person or property;
  • Recklessly or negligently;
  • In any part of an aerodrome, airfield, airport, or military facility intended for the takeoff, landing, movement, or parking of aircraft and aerial devices, including service roads, refueling areas, ground equipment parking areas, parking areas, maintenance areas, and associated hangars.

5. Pricing:

a. For all daily services billed with a price indicated "/day" on page 1:

  • If "day = 24-hour period" is indicated on page 1, a day is a complete or partial consecutive 24-hour period.
  • All prices are valid for a minimum of 1 day.

b. For all rental durations indicated as "/week" or "/month" on page 1:

  • If "/week" is indicated on page 1, a week is a consecutive 7-day period from the start of the rental.
  • If "/month" is indicated on page 1, a month is a consecutive 30-day period from the start of the rental.

c. Prices are calculated based on the rental period and any extensions.

d. Other Obligations — You are liable for:

  • All fines and court fees legally imposed on you for illegal parking, violation of a bus lane, tolls, traffic violations, or other offenses related to the vehicle, yourself, another authorized driver listed as a driver on the rental contract on page 1, or another driver you authorized to use the Vehicle without our consent until the Vehicle is returned;
  • Reasonable management fees for processing each fine or offense related to the Vehicle, legally imposed on you during the rental period: €30 including VAT;
  • Our fees, including reasonable legal fees, awarded by the courts in case of a judgment in our favor, incurred to collect the amounts you owe us under this Contract;
  • Reasonable abandonment fees of up to €500 if the Vehicle is not returned to the original rental agency indicated on page 1 or another agency for which we have given prior approval;
  • Cleaning fees of up to €200 if you do not return the vehicle in a reasonable state resulting from normal use, corresponding to additional costs we reasonably incurred due to your fault;
  • Recovery costs applied if the damage or breakdown of the Vehicle is due to human error and is not covered by a manufacturer's breakdown program;
  • The cost of refueling to the initial level at the time of rental if the Vehicle is returned with less fuel than at the time of rental. Fuel will be charged at the current rate plus a reasonable fee of €28 for the refueling service performed by us.

e. In case of damage, loss, or theft of the Vehicle or a part or accessory, for which you are legally responsible, you will be liable for the market value of the repair or replacement of the Vehicle or part or accessory, or a repair value calculated based on our normal rates for minor repairs,

  • Reasonable management fees of up to €150;
  • Lost revenue at the daily rate indicated on page 1 (or if no rate is indicated on page 1, at the rate of €45 per day) calculated based on our loss of income from the Vehicle for a maximum of 30 days, provided that we are not compensated twice for the same loss;
  • A reasonable amount for the depreciation of the vehicle, determined by an independent automotive expert;
  • Towing, storage, and impound fees. We have the exclusive right and responsibility to repair the Vehicle, and unless you have already paid our agreed repair fees, we will attempt to repair the Vehicle and handle the claim promptly. Your liability for damage, loss, or theft of the Vehicle may be reduced by purchasing collision damage coverage ("Collision Damage Waiver" or "Super Collision Damage Waiver") (see Paragraph 8).

f. You will pay the value-added tax and all other applicable taxes (if any) legally imposed on the amounts listed in this Paragraph 5.

g. You are liable for all amounts due, even if you have asked someone else to cover them or if we have invoiced a third party. You agree that we will calculate and charge the final amount to your credit and/or debit card if such a form of deposit or security is used and indicated on page 1. All invoiced amounts are subject to final verification. Before debiting your credit and/or debit card for charges finalized or appearing after the end of the Contract, we will make reasonable efforts to inform you.

Under Article L441-6 of the French Commercial Code, in the event that you are a professional, late payment penalties will apply in case of late payment, amounting to three and a half times the legal interest rate in force from the date the payment was due, as well as a fixed compensation of €40 (applicable only to professionals).

h. You are liable for damages resulting from a misjudgment of the size of the rented vehicle (underbody — roof) as well as all damages to the vehicle's interior, tires, and rims, even if the franchise elimination is purchased.

i. In the event of loss of the keys during the rental period, you are responsible for the replacement cost of the keys.

6. Fees and Charges:

a. You agree to pay us:

  • All fees indicated on page 1, which are calculated based on the rental period and any extensions.
  • For the rental and use of the Vehicle as well as any optional products or additional equipment you have selected.
  • The cost of any damage to the Vehicle during the rental period.
  • The cost of any additional services provided during the rental period.
  • The cost of fuel if the Vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at the time of rental.
  • The cost of any fines, penalties, or other charges incurred during the rental period, as well as any administrative fees related to them.
  • The cost of repairing any damage to the Vehicle caused by misuse, negligence, or illegal use during the rental period.
  • The cost of any loss of revenue due to the unavailability of the Vehicle during repairs, capped at 30 days.
  • Any depreciation of the Vehicle due to damage caused during the rental period.
  • Any costs related to the towing, storage, or impoundment of the Vehicle.
  • Any additional costs or charges not explicitly mentioned but reasonably incurred during the rental period.

b. If you choose to extend the rental period, you agree to pay the applicable daily rates and any additional charges for the extended period.

c. You are responsible for all amounts due, even if you have asked someone else to cover them or if we have invoiced a third party. You agree that we will calculate and charge the final amount to your credit and/or debit card if such a form of deposit or security is used and indicated on page 1. All invoiced amounts are subject to final verification. Before debiting your credit and/or debit card for charges finalized or appearing after the end of the Contract, we will make reasonable efforts to inform you.

7. Insurance and Protection Products:

The Vehicle is covered by our insurance policies against third-party claims (including bodily injury, death, and property damage). These policies do not cover damage to the Vehicle itself. However, if you violate the terms of this Contract, you will lose the benefit of this insurance.

8. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW):

You can purchase additional protection to reduce your liability for damage to the Vehicle (CDW) or eliminate it entirely (SCDW). These protections are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the insurance policy and this Contract.

9. Personal Accident Insurance (PAI):

You can purchase Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) to cover injuries or death while using the Vehicle. This insurance is optional and subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the insurance policy.

10. Termination of the Contract:

We may terminate this Contract immediately if you violate its terms. In such a case, you must return the Vehicle immediately, and we will be entitled to recover the Vehicle without prior notice.

11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This Contract is governed by the laws of the country where the rental agency is located. Any disputes arising from this Contract will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that country.

12. Miscellaneous:

  • This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.
  • Any amendments to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.
  • If any provision of this Contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.